Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Workshop with Deirdre
Deirdre Hassad was the first tutor to visit us in our new venue at Windmill Road and the course was called 'Fine tuning the Basics'. For me it was spring cleaning even before Deirdre started, my pens had stood upright in the jar, open to the air and covered in dust, and had done so for many months. I replaced and cleaned them so they all worked. After the workshop introductions Deirdre took us through the exemplar, showing and explaining the differences in italic, this can be applied to any hand. Then it was up to us to work from the exemplar, trying to understand what was happening with the pen, angle, ink and paper.

Silence but for the scratching of nibs. Rose, Hilary, Roselda, Dawn and Theresa concentrating hard.

Good work is rewarded by a fine supper and this was only one of the tables.  We had time to socialise and catch up with old friends, networking and discussing the past year and what was coming up in the next. The return to the 'reason for our group' and the timing of this evening was excellent.

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